The Harlem Family Institute
continues its Saturday Talks series,
“Harlem’s Psychoanalytic Renaissance”

Indigenous and Still Here:
Reclaiming and Reconnecting our Narrative
with Reflective Network Therapy
with Kathryn McCormick, MA, LMFT
Saturday, April 30 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm ET
via Zoom
The program offers 2.5 New York State continuing-education contact-hour credits
for New York State Licensed Psychoanalysts and Social Workers.
It also offers Certificates of Attendance. Details below.
About This Presentation
This presentation will highlight how an evidence-based, psychoanalytically-informed treatment method called Reflective Network Therapy (RNT) helps children and their natural networks (parents/caregivers, teachers and classmates) heal the experiences of intergenerational trauma, grief and loss, and the role that forming a coherent narrative plays in treatment. Perspectives in working with Indigenous and First Nations peoples will be considered.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of attending this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Describe an understanding of the role of colonization in the transmission of intergenerational trauma.
- Clarify and articulate the benefits that an evidenced-based psychoanalytic treatment method called Reflective Network Therapy (RNT) can bring children who have experienced intergenerational grief, loss and trauma and/or developmental disturbances.
- Explore how Indigenous and First Nations preschoolers, their caregivers and tribal communities can experience healing from the impact of intergenerational grief, loss, and trauma through the process of building epistemic trust and the formation of a coherent narrative.
About Kathryn McCormick
Kathryn McCormick, MA, LMFT, CMHS, EMMHS, is a bilingual (Spanish) child analyst and an advanced candidate in adult training at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. She has worked for over two decades in a northwest tribal community as a clinician, including for over 10 years as the Administrative Clinical Supervisor of a tribal Child, Youth and Family (CYF) Mental Wellness Program. For the past six years, she has served as the Administrative Clinical Supervisor of the tribes’ Birth to Five Center, and as the head and lead clinician in the psychoanalytically informed, evidence-based Reflective Network Therapy (RNT) program for children (aged 2½-5) challenged with trauma, developmental delays and/or social, emotional and/or behavioral difficulties.
Internationally, Kathryn has held numerous administrative and executive positions with IPSO (the candidate organization of the IPA) including as the former IPSO VP Elect of North America – 2013-2015, IPSO VP of North America – 2015-2017, IPSO President Elect 2017-2019, and most recently IPSO President, 2019-2021.
Additionally, she has held several positions in the IPA both on the IPA IPSO Relations Committee (IIRC) from 2013-2020, IPA Health in the Community Committee.
Kathryn currently serves on the IPA Education in the Community Committee.
Spotlight on HFI’s New Community Outreach
This presentation is part of our multifaceted new
Community Outreach programs, including:
- This Saturday Talks series, Harlem’s Psychoanalytic Renaissance, on many Saturdays at 11:30 am ET, featuring leaders on issues of diversity, discrimination, social justice, human rights and other global, community and individual needs.
- A weekly clinical discussion group, Bridging the Harlem Family Institute and the Community,for neighborhood clinicians, clergy and teachers, led by Paula Kliger, PhD, and Neil Altman, PhD.
- The Margaret Morgan Lawrence Acute Trauma-Response Service providing especially veteran psychoanalysts to help those suffering after traumatic events, led by Gilbert Kliman, MD, and Paula Kliger, PhD.
- The Institute is also working to launch a service for young children, Reflective Network Therapy in Preschool Classrooms, created by Gilbert Kliman, MD. We seek preschools, daycare centers and child clinical centers interested in collaborating with us.
Further announcements about these efforts will follow.
To support the Harlem Family Institute’s work, we are charging attendees $60 for this event. Registration takes place via Eventbrite and you will receive the Zoom link by email prior to the event.
Discounts are available for unlicensed candidates at psychoanalytic training institutes and unlicensed students who can demonstrate this status and for whom this fee would be a hardship.
Click Here to register via Eventbrite
CE Contact-Hour Credits & Certificates of Attendance
New York State Continuing Education Contact-Hour Credits will be available for New York State Licensed Psychoanalysts and Social Workers who attend the entirety of the presentation and remain on screen throughout. HFI Certificates of Attendance will also be available on the same basis. Please note that we can offer CE credits only to Licensed Psychoanalysts and Social Workers currently licensed in the State of New York. Other licensed clinicians should check with their licensing agencies to see if the agency will accept an HFI Certificate of Attendance.
CE contact-hour credits will be granted only to participants with documented attendance of the entire program and completed online evaluation form who have registered for them. No partial credit will be offered. It is the responsibility of the participants seeking CE credits to comply with these requirements. Upon completion of this program and online evaluation form, participants will be granted 2.5 Contact-Hour CE credits. Certificates of Attendance will be granted to participants with documented attendance of the entire program who have registered for them.
The Harlem Family Institute is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Psychoanalysts, #P-0048. The Institute is recognized by the same Board as an approved provider of continuing education for Social Workers, #SW-0648.
The Harlem Family Institute is deeply committed to diversity as it trains candidates from many different backgrounds to become psychoanalysts through clinical work in underserved communities. It is authorized to train anyone with a master’s degree in any field recognized by the NY State Education Department. Graduates may sit the state licensing exam in psychoanalysis upon graduation. The Institute is especially interested in issues of diversity and discrimination in race, ethnicity and gender and works especially with children and families as well as with adults in Harlem and other underserved communities.
Cancellations: Professionals who are unable to attend a course for which they have registered may obtain a 60% refund through Eventbrite up to 24 hours before the class. Less than one day, no tuition will be refunded. If you are in need of further assistance with a refund, please contact the Institute ( in writing.
Disclosure Information:None of the planners and presenters of this program have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Recording: As the presentation will be recorded, participants’ registration and attendance represent their permission to be recorded and for their name and/or image to be included in subsequent presentations of the recording.
The Harlem Family Institute | Admin. Office: 2 Riverside Drive #5D, New York, NY 10023 Phone: 212-920-7965 | Email: